20th Anniversary of Battlefield
Recently was the 20th of Anniversary of Battlefield. It was a great day for everyone in the community and a great time to remember all the wonderful moments that we had playing the game through all those years.
Battlefield made an announcement about it on Twitter, there was a good reaction by the community, and good discussions/replies about the best moment that was in the heart of all the Battlefield players.
For BFN, we started our journey entering Battlefield 1. It is at this moment that the community was created, starting with Sweden, then expanding to the rest of the world. One of the moments we share the most as a community is indeed BF1, as it was the first game for us, and many players have joined to play and compete together in a lot of game modes. We remember Domination, Rush, Frontlines and of course, Incursions.
Incursions was a big time for the competitive community of BFN, as it was the 5V5 mode officially launched by Dice for the competitive community. We had one of our tournaments announced inside the game.
We will always remember the good moment that we have in this particular gamemode, we hope for the best for the future and we continue to love our Battlefield franchise.
Happy 20th anniversary Battlefield!